NDIS Physiotherapy Services

* Home visits coming soon
* Treatment of vestibular and neurological conditions
* Functional assessment
* Falls education/prevention strategies
* Balance and strength training
* Assessment and mobility aid prescription
* Parkinson's Disease Exercise Classes coming soon
* Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Classes coming soon
How do I know if I can access NDIS support?
1. Follow the NDIS checklist for eligibility.
2. Contact the NDIS on 1800 800 110 and an NDIS representative will assist you with your questions.
3. Once your application is approved you will then work with a Local Area Coordinator or Planner to lay out your needs and goals. They will also assist you in allocating your funding to the necessary services.
If you are already approved by NDIS
1. Contact VertiGO Physio and Rehab and book an initial appointment.
2. Upon the initial contact please notify us that you are NDIS approved and your NDIS registration number and how your fund is being managed.
3. You and your physiotherapist will then be able to work out a service agreement/plan at your first appointment.
Your feedback is important to us:
1. As a NDIS participant we encourage you to provide feedback if you have any concerns or complaints. Complaints about NDIS services can be completed via the following link.